Tryst's Care Sheet


This is my care sheet. It is intended to help plan and guide play sessions, as well as to help you identify kinky interests that we may have in common.

Although this list contains things that I would like to be done to me, it is not consent. Please respect my wishes.

Preferences and Interests

Preferences and interests are styled on F-List.


These are things that I enjoy the most, and are generally guaranteed to be a good experience.


These are things that I enjoy.


These are things that I can enjoy when I'm in the right mood and with the right person. Please don't be offended if I'm not interested.


These things are hard limits, and probably the fastest way to end a scene with me.

Other Information

My Body

I'm not a fan of human bodies in general, and mine in particular. I prefer to be fully-enclosed in latex, a fursuit, slink, etc. Although, there are some kinks that make that less practical.

When it comes to play, I prefer to avoid skin on skin contact. One, or preferably both of us, should be covered in latex, a fursuit or glue!


I don't expect every scene to end in climax. It's nice when it happens, but not required. In some situations, it's not even possible, e.g. if my bits are encased in foam or plaster. If we're playing together, I will try to get you off if you want to, but I don't expect the same in return.

Due to having my silicone removed, it's relatively tricky to get me to climax, and strong vibrators can cause pain, so don't be surprised if I ask you to stop if it's not working or causing discomfort.


I used to have silicone and monstrously huge genitals - I don't any more. I'm still into it, but I'm not into cock worship, so if you have a permanently enlarged package, I might like to see it, and maybe touch it, but it probably won't go any further than that. I find unmodified genitals to be kinda icky.